
In Helsinki we stayed with Irmelli and Apa. 

Bob decided it was a good time to start drinking, again!

Irmelli, Apa and Bob watching Ice Hockey.

(Lena, Apa, Inni, Carmel, Jon and Bob)

Finland: water everywhere! This lake is only five minutes by bus from the centre of Helsinki!

Carmel and Jon filming.

We do small sketches, because we had to ship the heavy paints home.

We had beautiful sunshine and weather about 16 degrees.

We caught trams, and buses.

Helsinki views

Smaller building in front is a market.

Inside the market: I am seeing my first reindeer pelt: must have it!
(feel a bit guilty... but hey, the animal has already died...)

We visited Finlandia built in the 1970s by Alvar Aalto

The facade was revolutionary, asymetrical.

Inside, the feature was the original furniture, still in use.

Original 70s 

Towards the city there were more modern structures.

Huge interiors.

Turtle bollards at the wharf.

Unable to resist the boats, we take a cruise of the harbour.

Bob Carmel and Jon at the stern, taking photos.

Lunch on board is very good.

We walked around the wharf area as well. 

City hall.

VE Day in Europe. This was an exhibition of photographs from the time when Russia and Germany were invaders of Finland.

Main station.

Socialist sculptures (?)

Seen from the bus... a definite for next time we are in Helsinki.

Special thankyou to Inni and Apa for our stay in Helsinki.
We had a wonderful time! We look forward to your coming to Sydney in 2014!

After our four days in Helsinki, we flew to Stockholm.